How To Decorate Your Home With Vintage Items: 24 Amazing Ideas

Vintage is extremely popular today and many designers create cool vintage interiors or items but you can add some vintage to your interiors yourself just giving a new life to the old things. Vintage stools or armchairs are amazing, comfy and stylish. Can’t find one Look for it in your grandparents’ house, I’m sure, you’ll find one. Vintage cameras are suitable not only for those who love photography but also for any interiors with cool retro touches – from a living room to a home office. Vintage vases and planters. There are planters and vases in any house and you can find retro ones on the flea markets or take the new ones and make them look old – a cool and simple idea to give some retro chic to your space. Magazine racks, shelves and storage containers are easy to find on eBay, flea markets or just on a garret in your home.

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