Sometimes you needn’t waste much time or money to transform or spruce up your interior. Here are some designers’ tips to do that quickly and easy with your living room décor.
Change the textiles. Curtains, pillows and rugs can give your living room an absolutely new look. Another idea is to reupholster your sofa and chairs to make a statement – it also helps to make a statement.Bright accents. Add some bright detail: pillows, tables, vases, planters, chairs and so on.Create a spectacular accent wall. Try accent wallpapers, paints or just add textures to it.Luxurious chandeliers or lamps with large shades. such a piece also makes and accent and refreshes the room décor.Add a unique piece of furniture or accessory. An antique desk, chest of drawers and a mirror can become a pearl of your interior.Use free corners. There are spaces behind the sofa, near the windows and so on that may be used for storage, so your room won’t look cluttered.Add houseplants or change their place. Greenery always refreshes and makes cozier every space, so don’t hesitate to fill some places with it. 2 of 20
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