25 Smart Ways To Decorate An Attic Bedroom

Attics are usually considered too dark and too small to create something cool inside but that’s not always so! An attic is a good place for a bedroom as it’s very cozy, especially if it’s small. Attic bedrooms are the perfect getaway for long-term guests as well as permanent family members, and an attic bedroom can be an especially useful addition for growing families. How to decorate it in a proper way to achieve a cozy feel Here are some tips.

Keep Things Light

Most of attics are rather small and offer little natural light, which means that you should avoid painting them dark colors: light colors can make a room appear larger and brighter, this is exactly what you need to achieve a welcoming look. Prefer one solid color for the whole room to keep it as open as possible as when the eye does not detect divisions, it perceives a larger space. This effect is heightened if you select flooring that closely matches the color of the walls and ceiling, as well. Make the attic ceiling a lighter color than the rest of the room – the darker the ceiling is, the more oppressive the room looks. The ceiling beams if any can be painted brown, black or just stained to accent them – since the beams slant upward, the eye looks upward, as well, causing the eye to perceive a taller space. an all-white attic bedroom with neutral wood and textiles, with potted greenery and artworks

an off-white attic bedroom with stained wooden beams and all-neutral textiles and furniture

light-colored wood can be also a nice idea to substitute neutrals, add vintage touches for more coziness

a modern attic bedroom with much light, dark stained beams and some built-in storage

a cozy neutral bedroom with much light, stained beams on the ceiling and mcuh texture thanks to textiles

here's a nice example of pulling off all-neutral of the same shade in an attic bedroom, it looks much bigger

a totally white attic bedroom with wood and wicker touches that make it very cozy

a light-filled and airy attic bedroom with black ceiling beams and black pendant lamps for more drama

an attic bedroom done in creamy shades, with a neutral wooden floor, various neutrals to style the bed

a totally white attic bedroom with a floating bed, much light and a single black rug for a contrast

if your attic space is large enough, you may incorporate some other colors but not too many

a fully white attic bedroom with touches of natural wood and some dark lamps

a minimalist attic bedroom done in mixed neutrals, with touches of black

Get Minimum Of Furniture

As attics are usually small, cluttering them with excessive furniture is really a bad idea. Opt for smaller pieces, such as a full-sized bed instead of a king, and only include what you need to make the space comfortable. Match your furniture color to the walls to create more openness, besides mixing neutrals is a hot way to modernize your home.

Place your furniture strategically – so that the natural light will rest where you spend the most time. Usually, this means placing the bed beneath the window. Install some built-in storage spaces, which will declutter the room. a comfy chair can be a nice piece to chill here, get one if there's enough space

a large bed, a mirror and wooden bedside tables that echo with the sloped ceiling and beams

a very relaxing attic bedroom with a bed, bedside tables and a comfy chair by the window

such an attic bedroom with much potted greenery creates a cozy and relaxing sleeping space

several stools and chairs, a duo of bedside tables and an upholstered bed for a chic look