22 Ideas To Decorate Your Home With Leather

Leather – natural or faux – is a great material for home décor that easily gives any space a rustic and luxurious look. But what pieces can you use to decorate your house or apartment with it

Storage containers. They can be handmade – there are lots of DIY projects with containers combining mostly wood or steel and leather. There are also leather bags or baskets in many shops that will give a more exquisite look to your space.Leather plant hangers or leather strip hangers for mirrors are also easy to make yourself and will give a new life to your old things.Leather chairs or pillows are pretty freaking relaxing and enjoyable!A leather headboard is also a great idea – there are not so many such bed on sale but you can make it yourself of some old piece of leather.Accessories. Leather handles, hanging magazine racks, dinner table coasters to add some style to the space.

Look at these and other cool ideas to decorate your home with leather below. 2 of 22

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